
What is Crimshield Pro?

what is crimshield pro CrimShield Pro isn’t just another employment background check… it’s a platform you can use to ensure new and existing team members are Crime-Free Certified, including contractors!

Our proprietary platform doesn’t just let you use our network of licensed investigators to verify identities and screen applicants. Not only can it be used with internal screen applicants. Not only can it be used with internal employees and contractors, but it also comes with a robust online employee management control panel that enables you to manage employee profiles, update their crime-free certification, and even issue branded IDs that can be scanned in an instant.

Imagine being able to tell your customers that every person on your payroll has been thoroughly vetted to ensure they are exactly who they say they are, and that they haven’t committed thefts and violent crimes in the past. Now imagine what happens when your competitors can’t say the same thing. We’ll provide you with everything you need to show off your Crime-Free Certification and give your business an enormous marketing advantage.

By bringing together cutting-edge technology with proven investigative techniques, we give you everything you need to hire safer and more dependable employees. You can even use our system for optional drug testing and DMV records when required.

Image aligned to the right This employment screening service is powered by CrimShield, America’s leading professional investigative company. We invented the popular Crime-Free Certified label after seeing firsthand just how dangerous and expensive it can be to have the wrong people around your home and place of business.

In CrimShield Pro, you get the very best of affordable employee screening and verification, with reliable information and rapid turnaround times. If you want the very best for your business, call us today at 1-888-422-2547 to get started!